2015 Seniors & Some big changes!

I am officially finished with my season of 2015 Senior sessions! This was a great year of senior sessions for me, and I had a hard time choosing which photos to feature here. I really enjoyed photographing all of the beautiful young women and handsome young men. I hope all of their great personalities shine through on these photos! Be sure and follow this post to the very end for some BIG news for Resolutions Photography!

OK, now for my big news! I have good news and bad news. First, the bad news. My husband has accepted a great new job in Mandan, ND and we are moving to the Bismarck area. We are actually moving into the farmhouse I grew up in (a lifelong dream of mine!). My parents will be retiring and moving from Horace/the farmhouse into Bismarck. This means lots of transitioning and moving for our whole family. I apologize if this means my edit times will be a bit longer than usual (and I have also had more absence from my blog and facebook than I would like). Now for the good news! I am not disappearing completely! Although I will be losing my beautiful studio, I still plan on doing weekend shoots in Fargo during the months of nice weather. Even though this means all outdoor shoots (as far as I know right now), I will be more flexible to shooting at various locations in the Fargo-Moorhead area when I am in town. I am also expanding my business to the Bismarck area, so if you have referrals for me there, I would much appreciate it! I will probably not be booking anything until spring, 2015. Until then, please stay with me here and on facebook for regular posts of sessions I have done this summer and fall and for updated news about when and where I will be booking next. I have loved getting to know so many of you over the past almost six years, and look forward to the future for Resolutions Photography!

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