
I did this session the day of the horrible Newtown, CT school shooting. As I was going through these photos for edit, I was once again struck by just how precious human life is. From the tiniest among us to the oldest. All life is precious. And so very fragile.


I cannot believe my sweet baby is almost a year old! The other day, I got him in to my studio for a First Christmas photoshoot. He is getting a whole BUNCH of teeth right now, and he wasn't thrilled with the idea of cooperating, but eventually he warmed up and I got these adorable shots of him! How cute is he????

Yes, that's me in the ornament's reflection.  It's  agood thing you can't see me very clearly because I was sporting my normal "mom attire" of sweats and no make-up.  Ugh. My kids probably get really tired of this look (not to mention my husband!)
This one is my favorite!  Perfection!
Love how he's looking at himself here.  What a ham!
This is his "I can't believe mama let me have this" look.

I am going to be sending out my booking emails for January-March today!  If you requested to be notified of upcoming session dates, keep an eye on your email inbox!

Nora & Grace

Some of you may remember the "All-American Kid" contest I hosted last July. I received lots of photos of adorable kids, and then chose a few finalists that were posted on facebook. Facebook fans of Resolutions Photography then "liked" their favorite photo. The photo with the most number of likes by July 4th won a free session. Nora was the winner, and I think she is super cute! Thanks again to everyone who participated. I am going to make the contest an annual event! It was a cold, rainy fall day for our session, but after a few studio shots,  we ventured outdoors anyway.  I am glad both Nora and Grace are well-seasoned photo-shoot subjects, and were able to endure the cold temperatures so that I could get some great shots! Here's my favorites:

Big sister Grace got in a few shots, too.  Beautiful!

I am officially DONE with sessions for 2012!  I will be booking for January-March soon, so stay tuned!

Vaagene family

It had been a few years since I had seen this family, and the kids have gotten so big! The weather wasn't terribly cooperative, but we got some great shots in my studio. LOVE this family photo!

Deutsch Family

It's always fun when this family comes to visit! I always love the outfits mom puts together, but especially loved this combo. So cute!
Stuart is one of my favorite boys to photograph.  Isn't he the cutest?

Owen, Onika and Oliver

I am finally winding down on my edits for the year. For some reason, it was extra hard to get my edits done this year...I'm thinking there may be one, main reason...but he's an awfully CUTE reason! Anyway, I am compiling my list of contacts for my next round of bookings in January, February and March. Also, as this is a time of year that outdoor photos are typically not possible, I would LOVE to fill up my schedule with a few adorable newborns for those months. If you or someone you know is expecting and is due during those months, please shoot me an email, I would love to do a newborn session for you! Now, on to my sneak peek! I loved this session, and I especially love the bright colors in these first couple of photos!