Crew and Cole

I have been photographing this sweet family for awhile now, and mom reminded me that the first time I ever photographed Cole, he was Crew's age right now! It is so much fun to watch as kids grow up right before my eyes, and to see how families grow right along with them! This first photo just makes me laugh...he's so cute!

And I love this one of big brother Cole!

Elliot & Kendall



Love these! Such a pretty little lady!


And my last blog posting in a string of one year olds is Owen!

I love this style of photo for Owen where he is looking up at me.  It really puts the emphasis on his BEAUTIFUL eyes.  Seriously, they are some of the sparkliest eyes I have ever seen!  Here is the same type of photo of him from this summer.  So fun to see how they change in a few short months.
What a cute little family!


Here's my baby boy...I cannot believe he is a year old already. It literally does seem like yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. I know every parent says that about the first year, but I think the time flies faster with two big brothers and all that our family has going on. I sure miss outdoor photos this time of the year, but I have lots of ideas brewing for when the weather is nice once again.

Love the green jeans!

My favorite of the cake smash photos...

Andrew, Emily & Mason

More one year old fun (and big brother too!)...